POSTMAN: The Musical - The Aftermath

Well there’s no turning back now, it’s out there. It’s available to anyone and the first reviews are in:

“I can honestly say I’ve been going to musicals for years and this is… unique” (Ben Dover - Daily Trumpet)
“At last a musical the deaf can enjoy" (Biffo - Clowns & Clowning)
“My favourite part was the end" (Lucy Lastic - Ferret Fancier Weekly)

The narrator speaks from the chest - feat. Mike sock

The narrator speaks from the chest - feat. Mike sock

Is it perfect? Of cause not! Is it exactly how we wanted it? No, there's always room for improvement, but you have to draw the line somewhere and we drew it here. We laughed a lot doing it, we had a few awkward silences when things got a little heated but we’re proud of it all the same (or at least happier than Mrs Dawson appeared to be at the birth of her new baby!?).

The above represent just a small sample of the positive feedback we’ve received, and we thank you all for going on this journey with us. Seriously though it has been a journey and since it was first suggested as a podcast possibility many hours of graft have been put in (even if it doesn't sound like it) writing songs, recording, writing a script, character development, voice coaching, and putting together the final edit which you hear on the podcast today.


Fancy giving it a listen? Just click the button to be taken directly to the podcast page or listen on your chosen podcast platform by searching “Father and Son Days”


We do this primarily for ourselves (started during lock-down), but it appears that other people are enjoying it too which is an added bonus and nice to hear… If we can make you laugh then that can’t be bad can it!?

What’s next? Well watch this space but be assured we will endeavour to tickle your funny bones (consensually) in new and interesting ways!

Father and Son recording the vocals for the musical

Father and Son recording the vocals for the musical

Father and Son Days_Dad Profile_Square_Name_Cropped.png



POSTMAN: The Musical - Teaser