About us

Join us as we begin our epic journey across the generations, listen as we dive into all of life's greatest mysteries and gasp in amazement as we solve the worlds ecological and economical problems.

Not really... We're just a Father and his son chatting rubbish about rubbish...... still might be worth joining us, you never know you might learn something you never knew you needed to know!!!

We release a new podcast on a weekly basis, so make sure you are subscribed to keep up to date!

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David Harding

Born in the late sixties this man-childs interests include running, moaning, writing/performing music and spouting an inexhaustible amount of nonsense. If you're in the area why not drop in and sample some of his legendary homemade lasagne.

Conor Harding

Handsome, intelligent and athletic are just some of the words Conor would use to describe himself. Interests include fish keeping, pizza and health & safety. Conor sports an impressive beard that you could hide a badger in.

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